Francisco Javier Bermúdez Silva

Francisco Javier Bermúdez Silva

Fisiología Humana
Sobre mí

Francisco-Javier Bermúdez-Silva, PhD, holds a tenure-track research position at Hospital Regional de Málaga, Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucia, Spain (Nicolás Monardes contract). He did his research career through the National Institute of Health Carlos III (Miguel Servet program), Spain. Currently he is co-responsible investigator in the group "Endocrinology and Nutrition, Diabetes and Obesity", consolidated group A-01 from Institute of Biomedical Research of Malaga (IBIMA) and during 2013-2017 was responsible investigator in the group “Physiopathology of pancreatic islets in type 2 diabetes”, consolidated group A-13 at IBIMA. He is linked to the Endocrinology and Nutrition Clinical Unit of Hospital Regional de Malaga and member of the CIBERDEM group led by Dr. Gemma Rojo. He is also responsible of a group from the Andalusian Research Plan (PAIDI) BIO-335. He has published close to 80 articles in JCR-indexed journals, most of them in the area of energy homeostasis and metabolism
(obesity and diabetes). His H index is 33. In 2009, he did a 26-months stay at the Magendie Neurocenter (INSERM-University of Bordeaux 2, Bordeaux, France), where he delved into the mechanisms, both in the brain and in the endocrine pancreas, by which cannabinoid receptors modulate glucose homeostasis. Since 2005, he has received funding through different regional and national agencies (he has been Principal Investigator of 10 projects, 5 national and 5 regional), in addition to participating as collaborating researcher in twenty other projects, including a European FP7 project. He has led an interventional clinical trial in people with obesity and prediabetes, funded by Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucía and has participated in several other clinical trials. He has filled in 3 patents. In the field of training, he has carried out practical teaching tasks at the University of Malaga, at the University of Bordeaux, and has supervised four doctoral theses and four Master's thesis projects. In addition, he has obtained for his research team human resources grants such as P-FIS, Marie Curie and mobility grants from Santander Universities, the European Federation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) and ERASMUS+.

Correo electrónico
Perfil en ORCID
Área de trabajo
Endocrinología y Nutrición, Diabetes y Obesidad
Grupo de investigación
Líneas de investigación

Nuevas aproximaciones en investigación clínica-experimental en diabetes y metabolismo

Proyectos de investigación

1  Project. PI23/01785, Control glucémico y metabólico tras intervención nutricional con AOVE de alto contenido en oleocanthal y oleaceína en personas con diabetes tipo 2. Un ensayo aleatorizado, doble ciego y controlado.. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Bermudez-Silva F J. (FIMABIS). 2024-2026. 272.500 €. Principal investigator.
2  Project. ICI21/00020, Evaluación de la eficacia de la farmacogenética para mejorar la respuesta al tratamiento en sujetos con diabetes tipo 2 insuficientemente controlada. Sergio Martínez Hervás. (Fundación Hospital Clínico Universitario). 2022-2024. 267.300 €. Team member.
3 Project. PT20/00101, Plataforma de biobanco y biomodelos animales y 3D de Málaga. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Francisco Tinahones Madueño. (FIMABIS). 2022- 2024. 334.950 €. Team member.
4  Project. P20_01274, Desarrollo de nuevo sistema de conduccion de miR21-AuNPs dirigido especificamente al tejido adiposo. Una terapia experimental pionera contra la obesidad, la resistencia a la insulina y la diabetes tipo 2. Consejería de Economía e Innovación Tecnológica. R El Bekay. (FIMABIS). 2021-2024. 184.955 €. Team member.
5  Project. PMP21/00006, ImpactT2D: una estrategia genómica para implementar medicina de precisión en la diabetes tipo 2. MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION Y CIENCIA. Gemma Rojo Martínez. (FIMABIS). 2022-2023. 147.950 €. Team member.
6  Project. PI-0318-2018, Modulación del sistema endocannabinoide en islotes de Langerhans como terapia frente a la destrucción autoinmune en la DM1. Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía. González-Mariscal I. (FIMABIS). 2019- 2021. 60.450 €. Team member.
7  Project. PI17/01004, Study of some polyphenols and terpenoids froim AOVE in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes. Modulation of the activity of receptors with cannabinoid sensitivity. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Bermudez-Silva F J. (FIMABIS). 2018- 2020. 141.570 €. Principal investigator.
8  Project. 748749, Targeting the Endocannabinoid System within Islets of Langerhans to Protect against Immune Destruction (DIRECtA). H2020-EU. Bermudez-Silva FJ. (FIMABIS). 2018-2020. 158.121 €. Supervisor.

Hospital Regional de Málaga - IBIMA